

..and about them.............go on.

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Things about our members you probably know. But might not.

Cam (Original, Started it all, Special Guest)
Boyson (Original, Main DM)
Travis (Original, Enthusiast, Anti-Tony)
Berlinski (Original, Ani Lord)
Aaron (Newb, Special Guest)
Cody (Member, Enthusiast)
Matthias (Member)
Florian (Member, Enthusiast)
Bryden (Noob)
Kolby (Newb)

Travs Bit:

For all those people who DONT know what an ani is let me riddel it off to you. An Ani is for one a person (or a penis with ears) that acts like nothing what they should. Ex of being an ani: laughing your ass off when travis is trying to be serious................................ Next week i will continue my rant about ani so make sure you check up on it!

Funny Quotes

"Last time i was an ani...hmmm...NEVER YOU DAM BASTADS!"

"It takes one hit... to get back on top!"
                                     -Tony the Ani Lord-


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