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This little blurb of stuff is a place where I (T-ravis) am going to post some char ideas and things you should think about regularly!
Charcater Name; even though it seems easy enough pick a name that you can live with and not something directly out of the books
Attitude; alignment ain't everything, figure what your guy acts like, is he rude to nobles? Does he think beggers are the scum of the earth? Things that have to do with your characters mind-set.
How he got on in life before adventuring
Family members and where they (you) come from
Abnormalities that only you have
Quirks or sayings that have come usual for you
Anything that can make you more different then the originals presented in the books!
Certain special things about your armor or clothes that are unique ex: an ingraving of your family crest, a lucky patch in your pants ect.
Accent: get used to talking just slightly/majorly different,
 it adds to your char and makes him distinguished.
We all say it: "My guy does this"...yea...we should quit and soon because not only does it sound retarded, people wont pay attention to what it is your doing, few helpful pointers around that: Use 'I' lot's instead of 'my guy', dont think k what can my guy do think what can i do. Use more descripting actions, "i take 2 steps... i check the room..."


Don't separate while In-Dungeon
Else you might find your measely 10 points of constitution surrounded by stirges on the brink of starvation. Florian
Don't step through unidentified magic portals
Because sometimes they are the ones that lead to abyssal prisons, and close behind you. Tony
Don't rush into a battle where the odds are 8:3 with defensive terrain for your opponents
You might end up face-down in the sand for 7 rounds, thanking the brown lord that the goblin with higher footing didn't succeed on his critical threat roll! ^-^ My bad.
What will be the next blunder?
And who will be the unfortunate idiot who makes it?

What You Always Wanted

D And Or D